Listening is the foundation upon which effective communication and true comprehension are built, enabling us to navigate the complexities of human emotions and thoughts with grace and insight.

Get started on your road to better listening

Get started on your road to better listening with these top 10 skills:

  1. Value listening. Consciously choose to listen more and listen better.

  2. Prepare to listen. (Put away the cell phone.)

  3. Listen with an open mind to what the speaker has to say

  4. Let the speaker finish talking before you respond.

  5. First, listen to understand, not to respond.

  6. Look for verbal and nonverbal clues about how important this message is to the speaker.

  7. Listen for strong emotional content of the message, as well as the meaning of the words.

  8. Be aware of cultural differences, age differences, and gender differences in how people speak to each other and how they listen to each other. They may be expecting different indicators of listening and respect.

  9. Reflect back what you’ve heard if that seems appropriate.

  10. Respond in a way that shows that you have listened and follow up with future actions to show that you listened.

Check your listening skills

Are you giving the speaker 100% of your attention?

Are you listening to understand, rather than listening to respond?

Have you opened your mind to receive what is being said?

Have you rejected the temptation to prepare your response while the other person is speaking?

Are you open to changing your mind?

Are you aware of what is not being said as well as what is being said?

Are you taking account of the degree of emotion attached to the words?

Are you aware of differences or similarities (culture, age, gender) between you and the speaker which may influence how you listen?

Are you giving signals to the speaker that you are listening?

Are you valuing the speaker and the experience they have gathered in their life so far?

Ineffective listening behaviors

Interrupting the speaker

Reacting emotionally

Letting external diversions take over

Avoiding eye contact

Faking attention

Hijacking the speaker's message with "That reminds me..." or "That's nothing, let me tell you about..."

Making assumptions

Succumbing to internal distractions

Barriers to effective listening











Lack of interest


Deep-rooted beliefs




Negativity towards speaker


Inept non-verbal cues


Language 〰️ Physical 〰️ Cultural 〰️ Fatigue 〰️ Multi-tasking 〰️ Lack of interest 〰️ Deep-rooted beliefs 〰️ Pre-judgement 〰️ Negativity towards speaker 〰️ Inept non-verbal cues 〰️