Organization Membership

Position your organization as a listening and communication leader. Your organization membership gives you access to several outreach and engagement opportunities through ILA platforms and channels.

Organization employee working

Enjoy the benefits of organization members

  • All advantages of the professional-level membership

  • Onsite marketing space at the ILA Annual International Convention

  • Promotion of your organization on the ILA website with your logo, website link, and brief description

  • Placement of your organization’s books, articles, and blogs in the ILA website Resource section

  • Dissemination of your organization’s news and announcements through the ILA online newsletters and social channels

Organization Membership

  • 1-year Member $675

    Subscription period: 1 year

    Automatic renewal (recurring payments annually)

    Includes up to 2 professional memberships (each member will need a unique email address)

To learn more about becoming an organization member, please contact

Current Organization Members

The Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities offers transformational learning experiences that strengthen relationships, align teams, and build stronger communities. We integrate listening, leadership, care and service to create Truly Human Connection.

Chapman foundation for caring communities
Echo logo

ECHO Listening Intelligence is a management development company based in Boulder, Colorado that creates tools to help teams grow smarter together through improved listening. They are the creators of the ECHO Listening Profile, a scientifically based, statistically reliable listening assessment that enables organizations to understand the listening styles and corresponding behaviors of teams, individual employees, and future hires. Different people listen "to" and "for" different kinds of information, and understanding your own listening habits can greatly enhance your ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with others. Since its development in 2008, companies have used the ECHO Listening Profile to support hiring, management development, training and cultural onboarding. 

ufv madrid logo

Francisco de Vitoria University is a private university located in Madrid, Spain. It is named after Francisco de Vitoria, considered the father of International Law. This is an international university by both origin and mission. Their philosophy focuses the motto: “overcome evil with good." The aim is to educate people who can actively contribute to building a better and more humane society.

someone to tell it logo

Someone To Tell It To creates meaningful relationships through compassionate listening and trains and educates others to do the same.