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President’s speech

Dear members of the International Listening Association,

I am deeply honoured and humbled to serve as the new President of the International Listening Association (ILA). In my role as a clinician and medical educator, I recognize that listening lies at the very core of all that I do. To maintain effective listening, one must require a deep-rooted passion. However, I have also come to understand that in order to sustain this passion, one must prioritize their own well-being. Without this, there is a very real risk of burnout and compassion fatigue that can in turn affect listening ability.

As we embark on this thrilling new chapter together, I want to share with you the core values that will serve as the guiding principles of my leadership: Love, Inspire, Strengthen, Together, Engage, and Nurture. While it is important to remain inspired and motivated, it is equally vital to acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. Only by recognizing and addressing these obstacles can we truly grow and flourish together.



Love is the powerful force that drives each and every one of us in this organization. We all share a deep love for Listening, for understanding, and for connecting with others. It is this love that brings us together, that unites us in our mission to promote the importance of Listening in the world.

I am constantly inspired by the love that I see in each of you for this work. Your passion and dedication to the art of Listening is truly remarkable, and it is what makes our organization so special. It is this love that propels us forward, that drives us to learn and grow, and that motivates us to make a difference in the world.

But love is not always easy. Love implies passion and conflict - two sides of the same coin. As we work together towards our shared goals, there may be times when we disagree, when tensions arise, and when conflicts emerge. But it is this love that we have for Listening, for our work, and for each other that will guide us through these challenges. 

I believe that it is in these moments of conflict that our love for Listening can truly shine. It is in these moments that we have the opportunity to practice what we preach, to Listen with empathy, understanding, and respect. It is through Listening that we can navigate through conflict, find common ground, and ultimately strengthen our relationships and our organization.

So let us embrace the love that binds us together as members of the International Listening Association. Let us spread that love to others, inspiring them to join us in our mission. And let us remember that love, with all its passion and conflict, is what fuels our work and drives us towards a better, more Listening world.

Thank you for your love, your passion, and your commitment to Listening. Together, we can make a difference.



As we move forward into this new chapter of the ILA, I am reminded of a dialogue from the movie Meg 2 - "Where are we going? Into the unknown..." These words resonate deeply as we embark on this journey together. I want to appeal to the incredible power that lies within us to inspire others through our collective and individual work on Listening.

Each and every activity, conversation, and interaction we engage in has the potential to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. Our commitment to Listening with empathy and understanding is a transformative force that can inspire others to do the same. By leading by example and showcasing the impact of intentional Listening through our remarkable work within the ILA, we have the ability to spark a desire in others to enhance their Listening practices and cultivate stronger connections in their relationships.

Let us embrace the unknown with courage and conviction, knowing that our dedication to promoting the importance of Listening will leave a lasting impact on those around us. Together, we can inspire a culture of empathetic Listening and genuine understanding that reverberates far beyond our immediate reach. As we navigate through uncharted territories, let us continue to harness the power of Listening to foster connection, bridge divides, and foster positive change in our communities and beyond.

With each step we take, let us remember the potential we hold to inspire, uplift, and transform lives through the simple yet profound act of Listening. Together, let us venture into the unknown, armed with the knowledge that our commitment to listening has the power to shape a brighter, more harmonious future for all.


Working collaboratively and fostering a culture of support and cooperation, we can augment the efficacy of our organization and advance our mission to champion the transformative power of Listening in the world. Let us seize this opportunity to strengthen the bonds that bind us, both as individuals and as a community, as we strive towards our shared vision. Together, let us stand firm in our dedication to strengthening our organization, building bridges within our community, and expanding the reach of our message. Let us embrace the power of unity and collaboration as we work towards a future where the art of Listening is revered and practiced worldwide. Thank you for your commitment, your solidarity, and your unwavering dedication to the cause. Let us forge ahead, united and resolute, in our pursuit of advancing the importance of Listening in the global landscape.


The collaborative spirit that permeates our organization is truly inspiring and sets us apart. It is ingrained in the very fabric of our organization and undoubtedly draws people towards us. The unity and togetherness that already exist within our community are what make us a resilient and formidable force. Together, we have the strength and resilience needed to overcome any challenge and make a lasting impact. Let us continue to nurture and embrace this spirit of togetherness as we move forward, for it is the foundation of our success and the essence of our strength. Together, we can achieve greatness and lead the way towards a brighter future for our association.



I am filled with excitement at the prospect of engaging with each and every one of you in the upcoming months. Your diverse stories, unique experiences, and insightful perspectives within the realm of Listening hold immense value and potential to enrich our community. It is my unwavering commitment to cultivate opportunities for us to connect, share, and learn from one another. By actively engaging in meaningful conversations, collaborative initiatives, and knowledge-sharing, we can tap into the collective wisdom and expertise of our members to catalyse positive transformation and innovation in the field of Listening.

Let us take this opportunity to elevate our engagement efforts by sharing compelling stories and experiences on our social media platforms. Encourage the active participation of our followers, inviting them to share their own stories and insights on the power of Listening. By amplifying diverse voices and perspectives, we can create a dynamic and inclusive online space that celebrates the impact of Listening in various contexts and settings.

Furthermore, let us deepen our engagement by fostering partnerships with like-minded organizations and individuals who are dedicated to championing the importance of effective listening. Collaborate with these partners to exchange stories, insights, and best practices, thereby enriching our collective understanding and impact in the realm of Listening advocacy. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative storytelling, we can amplify our reach, inspire others to join our cause, and showcase the transformative potential of effective Listening in diverse arenas.

Together, let us harness the power of engaging stories, collaborative initiatives, and strategic partnerships to foster a vibrant and thriving community of Listening advocates. I look forward to embarking on this journey of engagement with each of you, as we work together to amplify the voices and experiences that illuminate the profound impact of Listening. Thank you for your unwavering support, enthusiasm, and dedication to advancing the importance of Listening in our world. Let us unite in our efforts to create a more connected, empathetic, and understanding society through the transformative practice of effective Listening.



As we set out on this exciting journey together, I want to emphasize the importance of nurturing ourselves as well as others. Just as Listening serves as a vital tool for fostering connections and understanding with those around us, self-care is equally essential for maintaining our well-being. It is crucial to carve out time for self-care, allowing ourselves to recharge, rest, and reflect on our own Listening practices. By prioritizing self-nurturing rituals, we not only enhance our ability to support and empathize with others but also ensure that we can continue making a positive impact through our Listening efforts.

Self-care is not a selfish act; it is a necessary form of self-preservation that enables us to show up fully present and engaged in our interactions with others. When we invest in our own well-being, we are better equipped to Listen attentively, respond empathetically, and truly connect with those around us. Remember, taking care of ourselves is not only beneficial for our personal growth but also for the overall health and vitality of our community.

Furthermore, I firmly believe that individual well-being directly impacts the well-being of our association as a whole. When each member prioritizes self-nurturing practices, our collective energy and commitment to our mission are strengthened. A community that prioritizes self-care and well-being creates a supportive and nurturing environment for all its members, fostering healthy relationships and sustainable growth.

Well-being is essential for our ability to Listen effectively and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. By nurturing ourselves, we are not only investing in our personal growth but also fostering a culture of well-being within our association. Let us commit to supporting each other in prioritizing self-care and fostering a community where individual well-being and collective success go hand in hand.

In closing, I feel deeply honoured and privileged to take on the role of President of the International Listening Association. I am profoundly grateful for the love, inspiration, and nurturing support that each and every one of you brings to our vibrant community. Together, we have the remarkable power to amplify the impact of listening, inspire positive change, and cultivate deeper understanding in our world.


With heartfelt gratitude,


Dr Krishna Naineni (Nine-Any)

President, International Listening Association

The ILA Listening Times June 2024


The purpose of the International Listening Association is to advance Listening Practice, Training,

and Research Worldwide. In all we do, we strive to Learn, Teach, Inspire, Collaborate.


1. Many thanks to all who contributed to our 45th ILA  Annual Convention. A huge amount of work is involved in organizing an international event and we are grateful to those who give their time and talents. Marva Shand McIntosh is already planning the 2025 Convention which will take place at the University of Maryland in the USA and would love to hear from those who would like to get involved. All contributions welcome!

2. Thank you too, to ILA Board members Sandra Bodin-Lerner and Chris Bond who have completed their terms on the Board. We appreciate your hard work and dedication. Our new Board Members have now taken up their responsibilities and would love to hear from any member with questions or comments. Contact details at


3. The following is a message from our new ILA President, Krishna Naineni. Krishna is a medical Practitioner based in the UK and a dedicated Listener. The full speech can be read above.

Dear ILA Members,


I am grateful and excited to have the opportunity to serve as the new President of our amazing International Listening Association. I am inspired by all of you and your dedication to the art of Listening. Your passion and enthusiasm for this work is inspiring and I am honored to stand beside you as we embark on this new chapter together. As we move forward, I want to encourage all of you to continue to inspire others through your incredible work in the field of Listening. Each of us has the power to create positive change in the world through the magic of Listening. Let us be beacons of light and change, showing others the impact that Listening can have on our relationships and communities.

 While our organization is already strong, I believe that we can strengthen our impact even more. By fostering relationships, sharing our knowledge, and working collaboratively, we can amplify the power of Listening and make an even greater difference in the world. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are important to me, and I promise to Listen with an open heart and mind to all that you have to say. Let us model a culture of transparency and communication that nurtures our organization and promotes growth. I want to hear your stories, learn from your experiences, and explore new insights into the world of Listening together. Let us create opportunities for connection, growth, and learning as we work towards our shared mission of spreading the power of Listening.

 As we set out on this exciting journey together, I want to emphasize the importance of nurturing ourselves as well as others. Just as Listening serves as a vital tool for fostering connections and understanding with those around us, self-care is equally essential for maintaining our well-being. Well-being is essential for our ability to Listen effectively and make a difference in the lives of others. By nurturing ourselves, we are not only investing in our personal growth but also fostering a culture of well-being within our Association. Thank you for your support, your dedication, and your commitment to this important work. Let's Listen together and make a difference that will last for generations to come.

With heartfelt gratitude

Dr Krishna Naineni (Nine-Any)

4. All ILA members are invited and welcome to take part in any of our ILA teams and activities. The following is a summary list. Please contact Jennifer Grau for more details


Business Team - Alex Perl

Events Team - Sandra Bodin-Lerner

Spirituality Team – Raquel Ark (contact Raquel if you would like to be Team Lead or Co-leader)

Diversity Initiatives Team - Lori Joubert and Beata Kaczkowska

International Journal of Listening Editor-in-Chief - Elizabeth Parks; Editorial team, Elizabeth Parks,

Michael Humphrey and Brandon Shanks

Publications Team - Elizabeth Parks

Research Team - Eva Göksel

Education Team - Jay Bourne

Buddy Program - Lisa Athearn

Mentor Program - Jaskiran Gill

Health Team - Krishna Naineni and Sally Doust

Editor, Listening in Education and Training Journal - Michael Gilbert

ILA Awards Team - Scott Robinson and Sanna Ala-Kortesmaa

ILA Research Awards Team - Scott Robinson

Nominations Team - Manisha Asrani and Sanna Ala-Kortesmaa

Student Team - Arushi Sekhri and Pooja Manjakandy

Editor, The ILA Listening Times – Helen Ralston

Listening Circle Training - Colin Smith and Raquel Ark


5. Call For Papers: Do you have ideas or practices regarding Listening in Education or Training? Are you willing to share them? If so, will you submit an article for review in the ILA Listening Education and Training journal? Guidelines for submission: Your article should engage the reader in the succinct and practical applicability of Listening concepts in Education or Training. Since the journal is designed for practice in the field, it should be about 4-6 pages, including graphics and references. Please submit your article in Word, using APA Style (7th edition) for references and graphics. If you have questions, will you contact the Editor at


6. ILA member Laura Janusik has been speaking about ‘Connecting and Communicating with Individuals Living With Dementia’ as preparation for our ILA International Week of Listening in September. What valuable work!


7. ILA member Ebele Chukwujama has been speaking in Nigeria on ‘The Art of Listening Skills in Child Education’. How can we get better at Listening to our children?


8. Join the ILA Student Member WhatsApp group with Arushi Sekhri, student Board Member, to stay connected with fellow students, receive updates on upcoming ILA online events, and contribute ideas to help promote the ILA. It's a space for insightful discussions about our listening journey. Let's connect, learn, and grow together!


9. A warm welcome to all our new ILA members this month. Please join us at any of our online activities and/or email us to let us know what you need from your membership of the International Listening Association.


10. ILA member Doris Leibold is planning to attend a Listening picnic in Munich, Germany. What a great idea! Doris works with teams who want to learn how to have honest conversations about what’s not working in the team. With the help of drama-free tools, metaphor, and clean questions, they are able to surface things that they find difficult to express, Listen to each other, and learn how to address problems on an ongoing basis.

Upcoming Events

45th Annual ILA Convention

Sustaining Best Listening Practices

June 12 - 16, 2024, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA

Online Events

Mini-series: Listening to Nurture Happiness

Circles: A Listening Structure Sampler

Multiple sessions available!

Board Member Buzz

Marva cutting rubbon

Marva Shand McIntosh, ILA Vice President, represented the International Listening Association at the ribbon cutting and dedication of the Listening garden at the University of Maryland, USA. The prominent features of the garden are several benches with words that are germane to Listening. Check out the news coverage

Member Activity

Mike Humphrey is working on research podcasts at Colorado State University interviewing people whose vocations spur them to Listen for the stories of their clients, patients, sources, in order to serve them better. He says that our sense of Self is created through the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell about ourselves and the stories we hear back.

Check out their experience of Narrative Listening here